This version is the buggy response to all the problems that he’s never been able to solve — running businesses that don’t have a permanent seat in the bankruptcy court, avoiding indiscretion with women who are not Mrs. Trump, taking on challenges that force him to do real work, and forming a simple declarative sentence that a) makes sense and b) isn’t immediately contradicted by the next blur of nonsense he utters.
We are, for the moment at least, “led” by a man who will gladly share whatever misperceptions he might have, won’t listen or defer to actual experts, refuses to accept responsibility, and won’t consider people’s safety if it interferes with profit. While some are content to describe him as a narcissist, which few would contest, he’s better defined as a mumpsimus, which is a great deal more dangerous.
The press seems to have found its courage lately, challenging his unsupported statements. His response is to call them rude or not nice… without responding to their questions. Even novice politicians can provide direct answers, even though they may not be appropriate to the questions being asked. But they don’t resort to insults.
Our Grand Poobah of Nincompoopery can attack, but he can’t parry. He can call people names that are demeaning but cannot endure being labeled anything unflattering. To call him shallow is an insult to the depth of a droplet. To assert that he’s petty makes spare cash look like a fortune. And to suggest that he’s the leader of the free world makes slaves of us all.